Legend of Course Tags

Please note that some course sections may have multiple course tags.

Course Tag Category Description Course Tags
Communication Intensive In Communication-Intensive courses, instructors integrate communication skills building activities into the course content to deepen learning and advance skills. 

Communication Intensive :: Written and Visual

Communication Intensive :: Written and Technological

Communication Intensive :: Written and Spoken

Communication Intensive :: Visual and Technological

Communication Intensive :: Technological

Communication Intensive :: Spoken

Communication Intensive :: Spoken and Visual

Communication Intensive :: Spoken and Technological

Communication Intensive :: Written

Communication Intensive :: Visual

Course Materials A single or collection of required resource(s) offered at no or low cost to students at a pre-sales tax cost not to exceed an amount equal to four times the federal minimum wage. The total cost of all required textbooks and other required instructional materials will remain affordable as defined in Act 125.

Course Materials :: Affordable Educational Resources

Course Materials A resource that is in the public domain or has been released under an intellectual property license that permits the free use, adaptation, and redistribution of the resource by any person.  Students will have zero costs for course materials

Course Materials :: Open Educational Resources

GE/ILC Integrative Learning Core:  LSU’s General Education Program.  First, students are required to complete 39 hours that provide a breadth of knowledge across the following six Louisiana Board of Regents statewide disciplinary areas.  The second component of the ILC curriculum will complement course content by incorporating proficiencies designed to cultivate leaders and produce nimble minds, minds that can take LSU graduates in any direction outside their specific discipline.  Courses that meet criteria for the categories below will have GE/ILC course tags for their specific area

GE/ILC :: Mathematical/Analytical Reasoning

GE/ILC :: Social/Behavioral Sciences

GE/ILC :: Humanities

GE/ILC :: Natural Sciences

GE/ILC :: Fine Arts

GE/ILC :: English Composition

Resources Supplemental Instruction is a series of weekly study sessions offered for students enrolled in historically difficult courses. 

Resources :: Supplemental Instruction Available

Resources Tutoring is available through the Center for Academic Success.

Resources :: Tutoring Available - CAS

Resources Tutoring is available through the College of Engineering.

Resources :: Supplemental Instruction - COE

Service Learning Service-learning is integrated into some sections of LSU courses.  Through organized service to community organizations or individuals, students are able to gain knowledge directly connected to the learning goals of the academic course they are taking. Service-learning classes fulfill all of the same educational requirements as regular sections of the same class. 

Service Learning :: Service Learning

Web-Based Course Percentages Traditional on campus courses with a hybrid (in person/web-based) format.  Courses may also be 100% Web-based but are NOT offered through LSU Online.

Web-Based Course Percentages :: 50-74% Web-based

Web-Based Course Percentages :: 1-49% Web-based

Web-Based Course Percentages :: 75-99% Web-based

Web-Based Course Percentages :: 100% Web-based

Honors The Honors College offers discussion-oriented seminars taught by select faculty members on topics of their specialty. Additionally, there are small Honors versions of departmental courses that fulfill general education or foundation requirements of your major. In both types of courses, you will enjoy working with high-achieving peers and engaging professors in small, ambitious classes.


LSU Online Course are only available to students taking courses through LSU Online.

LSU Online