High Performance Computing

In an effort to advance research and optimize user service, LSU's Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) and Information Technology Services (ITS) joined forces to create a support structure focused on expertise in high performance computing. Known as HPC@LSU, this organization maintains a premier computing environment, consisting of human, hardware, and software resources, for cutting edge, cross-disciplinary computational research. Find out more on the HPC Homepage.

Center for Computation & TechnologyComputer cords

LSU Digital Media Arts & Engineering
DMAE building

The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) is an interdisciplinary research center at LSU. By uniting experts from diverse fields, ideas are disseminated to foster invention. We use high-performance computing and high-speed networks to conduct research in many different fields.

Digital Media Arts & Engineering (DMAE) is a collaborative effort between colleges and is hosted from the Center from Computation and Technology. It currently consists of an undergraduate minor and a masters degree.