Frequently Asked Questions

LSU A&M’s current student information system (SIS) was built in-house over 30 years ago using technology that is no longer taught in schools, making it difficult to find developers who can work with our system. This poses issues with both maintenance and modernization to keep up with rapidly evolving academic needs.

LSUA, LSUE and LSUS have similar needs for an updated, modernized solution. Implementing a new student information system at all four institutions also serves as an opportunity to rethink the tools, processes, policies and structures that support our academic mission and to make enhancements that will better serve our students, faculty and staff.

LSU A&M, LSU of Alexandria, LSU Eunice, and LSU Shreveport worked together to identify and vet numerous products that met our goal of implementing a cloud-based, state-of-the-art solution to achieve a unified SIS across these campuses. Through a competitive, two-year RFP process, multiple vendors were identified, and finalists were invited to present their products. A cross-institutional evaluation committee reviewed these presentations, evaluated campus feedback, and considered vendor proposals. The committee ultimately selected Workday Student as LSU’s new SIS for these institutions.

This also allows us to expand upon the services we already have with Workday.

Yes! LSU is supporting a full-scale training approach that will provide necessary training to all users. The type of training will be dependent on the task or system with which each type of user interfaces. The training team will develop a holistic plan for training and training availability will be widely communicated through various channels. 

This website has the most up-to-date information about the Workday Student project, as well as background information. Students, faculty and staff at each institution will start to receive more updates via various channels as we approach the official launch.

No. Workday is one unified system. We are adding "Student" functionality within the Workday system we are already using. Users with access to Student functionality will find those items within the same LSU Workday platform they are using today. 

Most students, faculty and staff will begin using Workday for Student functionality in early Spring 2025. Detailed access information will be shared with all users closer to that time.